Project Management Apps
An intuitive todo list app to help you manage your tasks efficiently and stay organized. Easily add, edit, and track your tasks with priority levels and due dates.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 days ago
TodoMaster is an intuitive app that helps you manage your tasks efficiently, allowing you to prioritize, set due dates, and track the progress of your daily activities seamlessly.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 4 days ago
A simple and intuitive app that helps you manage your tasks efficiently. Organize, prioritize, and track your to-do list with ease, keeping your day on track!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 5 days ago
Todo Organizer
A simple and intuitive todo list app that helps you manage tasks, prioritize your day, and keep track of deadlines.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 5 days ago
Taskify is a simple and intuitive task management app that allows you to create boards, organize tasks, and seamlessly track your progress.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 13 days ago
A task management app that helps you organize your projects by creating boards and managing tasks with ease.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 13 days ago
JobTrackr is a powerful app designed to help you manage and track your job applications effortlessly. Keep tabs on your applications, their statuses, interview schedules, and additional notes all in one place. With intuitive features and a user-friendly interface, JobTrackr ensures you never miss an opportunity in your job search.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
My Todo List
A simple and intuitive todo list app to help you manage and track your tasks efficiently.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 15 days ago
A task management application that allows users to create, assign, and track tasks
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 20 days ago
A goal tracking application that helps users set, manage, and visualize progress on personal and professional goals.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A task management application that allows users to create boards with lists and manage tasks within them.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A task management application that allows users to create boards with task lists, and manage tasks with drag-and-drop functionality.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A task management application that allows users to organize tasks in different boards
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An application that analyzes GitHub repositories to discover SQS message patterns and allows sending custom messages to the discovered queues.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A todo list application to manage and track tasks with due dates and priorities
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A task management application that allows users to organize tasks in different boards, with features for task creation, completion tracking, and organization.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 诇讞讬讘讜专 讜讬讬注讜抓 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讗讘讟讞转 讛诪讬讚注 讜讛转讜讻谞讛
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 讛诪讞讘专转 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讛-IT, 诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 诪讬讚注 讜谞讬讛讜诇 讗讬专讜注讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A simple todo list application for managing tasks
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Tzofim Activity Manager
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 驻注讬诇讜讬讜转 讜讗讬砖讜专讬诐 讘讗专讙讜谉 讛爪讜驻讬诐 讘讬砖专讗诇. 诪讗驻砖专转 诇诪专讻讝讬诐 诇讛讙讬砖 讘拽砖讜转 诇讗讬砖讜专 诪驻注诇讬诐 讻讙讜谉 住诪讬谞专讬诐, 讟讬讜诇讬诐 讜驻注讬诇讜讬讜转 讞讜抓 砖讘讟讬讜转, 注诐 诪注专讻转 讟驻住讬诐 讚讬谞讗诪讬讬诐 讜诪诪砖拽 谞讬讛讜诇 诇讗讚诪讬谞讬诐.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Scout Movement Activity Management
A comprehensive system for managing scout activities (Mifal) including trips, seminars, and external activities. The system allows scout centers to submit activity requests and administrators to manage the dynamic questionnaire system.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A collaborative document management system that allows users to create, edit, and share documents with real-time collaboration features.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Task Management App
A simple task management application where users can create, manage, and track their tasks.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
GitHub SQS Message Analysis and Sender
A GitHub SQS Message Analysis and Sender app that helps developers analyze their repositories for SQS message patterns and send test messages.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
GitHub Repository Explorer
An application that allows users to view and explore their GitHub repositories, view repository details, and ask questions about their repositories with AI-powered answers. The app provides an intuitive interface for managing and interacting with GitHub repositories.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A personal task management application that allows users to create, view, edit, and delete tasks. It also provides analytics through a dashboard that displays task completion progress over time.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A comprehensive project management platform designed for team collaboration and efficient task management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
TeamFlow is a comprehensive project management platform designed to enable teams to collaborate efficiently and manage projects effectively. It offers customizable dashboards, versatile task management, real-time team collaboration, powerful automation and reporting tools, and a user-friendly interface that supports teams of various sizes and industries.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Israeli Nonprofits Dashboard
A dashboard application for analyzing data of Israeli nonprofits, featuring interactive charts and visualizations on activity categories, geographic distribution, financial analysis, organization size, timeline of establishments, and compliance indicators. Supports data import via CSV and provides detailed analysis features such as financial trends, geographic heat maps, cause breakdowns, and compliance tracking. The interface is available in Hebrew and English, supporting RTL layout.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
GitHub Repository Analyzer
An app that allows users to input a GitHub repository URL and ask questions about its content, providing detailed answers to help users analyze the repository efficiently.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
谞讬讛讜诇 驻专讜讬拽讟 讘谞讬讬讛 讘讬转讬
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讜诪注拽讘 讗讞专讬 驻专讜讬拽讟 讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛讘讬转讬转, 讻讜诇诇 谞讬讛讜诇 诪砖讬诪讜转, 转拽爪讬讘, 拽讘诇谞讬诐 讜转讬注讜讚 讛驻注讬诇讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A modern, beautifully designed task manager web application that helps users organize and track their tasks efficiently with a clean, minimal interface and responsive design.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A comprehensive travel planning tool that allows users to create, manage, and share detailed travel itineraries, including activities, reservations, transportation details, and budget estimates.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A CRM application tailored for visual artists to manage their artworks, exhibitions, and clients efficiently. It allows artists to track their art inventory, plan exhibitions, and maintain detailed client profiles, all through an intuitive and visually appealing interface.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Procrastination Management App
An app designed to help users overcome procrastination by managing tasks, tracking time, setting goals, earning rewards, receiving reminders, and analyzing productivity trends to boost overall productivity.
Created by: Yoav Orlev, 2 months ago
Todo Manager
A simple and user-friendly todo list application that helps users manage their tasks by separating work and personal tasks, with daily email reminders for due tasks.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Maor And Yoav task list
A simple todo list application that allows users to manage their tasks, mark them as complete, and add comments to each task via a side drawer.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 诪砖讬诪讜转 讘注讘专讬转 注诐 讛驻专讚讛 讘讬谉 诪砖讬诪讜转 砖诇 爪讘讗, 注讘讜讚讛 讜诪砖驻讞讛. 诪讗驻砖专转 诇诪砖转诪砖讬诐 诇讬爪讜专, 诇注专讜讱 讜诇诪讞讜拽 诪砖讬诪讜转, 诇住讜讜讙 讗讜转谉 诇驻讬 拽讟讙讜专讬讜转, 诇讛爪讬讙 讗讜转谉 讘专砖讬诪讛 诪住讜讚专转, 讜诇住诪谉 诪砖讬诪讜转 讻讛讜砖诇诪讜. 讛诪砖转诪砖讬诐 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇讛讙讚讬专 住讚专 注讚讬驻讜讬讜转 讜转讗专讬讻讬 讬注讚 诇诪砖讬诪讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
GitHub Notification App
A user-friendly application that allows users to receive email notifications with summaries of commits from their selected GitHub repositories.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
TodoList Manager
An intuitive web application to manage personal and work tasks efficiently. Users can create, edit, delete, and categorize tasks, set due dates, mark tasks as complete, and filter tasks based on category and status. The app provides daily email reminders for tasks due on the current day.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago